Check the source DMR ID of the call which makes noise and if you want the OS4 to block calls coming from this ID then add it to the Call mute list on the Settings page, Call mute section (
Loud Noise Brandmeister Anytone 578
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Please respond to this problem.
Muting every call I.D. after hearing the 100+ db obnoxious honking out of my 878's speaker is NOT a solution.
The noise is random and it can happens one out of ten calls from the same I.D.
The random honking noise does not happen when using my 878 with OS4 Pro or my 578 using a Pi device.
Only when using OS4 Pro with 578.
I called Bridgecom in the U.S.
The representative had no clue why it is happening.
Please advise.
The openSPOT4 does not emits noise to the transceiver on its own. However, if the data coming from the server has noise then it will be forwarded to your transceiver. Please send us a voice recording of the noise to and also send it to the manufacturer of the transceiver and ask them about the issue.
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There are absolutely no random honking noises coming from my 578 when not using the OS4 Pro.
It does not happen when the OS4 Pro is not connected.
It does not happen when connected to a DMR / Brandmeister repeater (no hotspot).
Again, the loud horn sound only randomly happens when connected to my 578 using an OS4 Pro.
It does not happen when using a Pi device.
Edit: Just called a friend with a 578 and OS4 Pro.
His does the same thing.
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I know this may be stretching things a bit, but how is the Anytone set to receive; dual band maybe. I had same problem and was set so Channel A was DMR (digital) and Channel B was set to my local 2m repeater (analog). Digital receive gives off an ungodly sound when digital is detected.
Maybe? W1MOZ 73
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I've swapped A and B and put Open Spot to B and analog to the A channel. No difference.
This is not happening using either my 868, 878 or 578 V1.
Friend's 578 V2 is doing the same thing as my 578 v2
Absolutely zero noise using my Pi-Star.
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V1 and V2 use different CPS's, have different function /variables within their respective CPS's and also have different firmware.
SharkRF will likely tell me to contact Anytone.
It'll take a week for Anytone to reply back in loosely translated english that they don't have a clue and to contact Shark RF.
And it does not happen using my Pi-Star.
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I'm the customer.
But...if Shark wants to put me on it's payroll I might consider checking logs, documenting logs, uploading logs, recording and uploading the noise... and attempt to get past the
certainty of an English to Chinese language cluster xxxx with Anytone via E-Mail.
Naa..I think I'll just live with it.
But thank you anyway
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Tyrbiter when you say the common factor is the Anytone 578. Keep in mind… the openSPOT4 is also a common factor. Pi-star hotspots don’t have the issue. It has been established that the openSPOT does not honor things like time slots… but instead just assumes everything should pass through. I wouldn’t be surprised if this “assumption” is causing this problem by passing data through that ought not to be allowed to pass.
There are no timeslots in DMR simplex mode. Timeslots are assigned by the repeater in duplex mode.
I don't have all the answers, but clearly 2 very similar radios from a single supplier behave differently. I've suggested that there are debug methods you can use to try and identify what is happening. I have Anytone 868 and 878 HTs, I've seen the changelogs in their firmware with many fixes from the original versions. I expect the 578 is the same but I don't own one, nor an openSPOT4. Unless the SharkRF guys can get hold of the 578v2 then they are going to struggle to work out what is happening.
If I had a better idea I would pass it on.
Oh wow yup I'm getting it too, on first connect. Very loud buzz.
FYI: The Anytone 578 V2 is currently available through Bridgecom and Amazon.
Buy one and connect it to your OS4 Pro. Then configure that radio for the Brandmeister TG of your choice. 91 would be a good start. Now sit back and wait.
Get back to us with your findings.
I pointed this issue out to you in Dec. of last year.