Loud Noise Brandmeister Anytone 578
There are no timeslots in DMR simplex mode. Timeslots are assigned by the repeater in duplex mode.
I don't have all the answers, but clearly 2 very similar radios from a single supplier behave differently. I've suggested that there are debug methods you can use to try and identify what is happening. I have Anytone 868 and 878 HTs, I've seen the changelogs in their firmware with many fixes from the original versions. I expect the 578 is the same but I don't own one, nor an openSPOT4. Unless the SharkRF guys can get hold of the 578v2 then they are going to struggle to work out what is happening.
If I had a better idea I would pass it on.
Oh wow yup I'm getting it too, on first connect. Very loud buzz.
FYI: The Anytone 578 V2 is currently available through Bridgecom and Amazon.
Buy one and connect it to your OS4 Pro. Then configure that radio for the Brandmeister TG of your choice. 91 would be a good start. Now sit back and wait.
Get back to us with your findings.
I pointed this issue out to you in Dec. of last year.
Currently we don't have an Anytone 578 V2, so we can't reproduce your issue.
- Edited
The Anytone 578 UVIII Pro is one of the largest selling mobile DMR radios in the world.
Please, just buy one and work on a fix for the problem.
I had a very similar issue with my anytone 578 which was at firmware version 1.17 - after all other troubleshooting I downgraded my firmware to version 1.15 and the annoying noise was eliminated! I advised anytone of this!
Did the same thing using firmware 1.15
Tyrbiter yah right haha! I can only tell you what worked for me and that is - did a complete factory reset to the 578 - downgraded to v1.15 then loaded the cps using csv files for only items needed - channels, talk groups, zones etc. completely rebuilt codeplug from scratch - which totally resolved the issue. I do not have the annoying noise any longer so in my case it is not an openspot 4 pro issue! 73
Also, FW V1.15 is not compatable with most functions on Anytone's new BA1 Bluetooth mic.
Was on the phone with an Anytone / Bridgecom engineer today to discuss the problem.
I installed an un-released Baseband update. Will post results when I have them.