I'm having troubles making contacts, my status page shows callsigns and I hear transmissions some of the times. usually I just hear a mic key but no transmission.

What kind of transceiver do you use?
What modem mode is active on the openSPOT3?
Which connector is active on the openSPOT3?
Which server is your openSPOT3 connected to?
Is your openSPOT3 running the latest stable firmware v66?

I'm using a ft-991a transciever, the active mode is c4fm, ysf reflector is the active connector, the server is america link 4200.
and I'm running v66 firmware. I'm getting good reports today from other hams on america link, so there may not be a problem. Just wondering why I see callsigns on my status page with no transmission. One operator says it's people kerchunking the reflector, maybe that's it.

you get a lot of clowns just pressing the ptt to see their call sign pop up on the dashboard and say nothing, i find AM Link the worst for this, so dont worry about it

That sounds about right, as long as I'm getting good signal reports and able to make contacts I'm happy with it.

17 days later

Hello gentlemen, I am using OpesSpot3 in cross mode from D-star to C4FM, I use the Brazilian reflector YSF00070, the problem is that when transmitting, whoever is listening to me does not see my callsign, but sees the callsign itself when investing mine, this only happens from D-Star to C4FM, would it be a configuration problem on the OS or on the server itself?

Sorry, but I don't understand. "does not see my callsign, but sees the callsign itself" - please explain this in more detail.

a month later

Hola, tengo el Openspot.3 que NO le entra corriente y claro, no se pone en marcha, no sé cuál es el problema y ya falla una semana que sigue con ése fallo...

Please use English on this forum.

11 days later

Hello, I still can't turn on the OSP.3 and I have done all the tests you told me about, but it still doesn't turn on and it doesn't get power.

    EA5CT The firmware upgrade process probably got interrupted.

    Please do the following to resume firmware upgrade:

    1. Connect the openSPOT3 to a wall charge adapter or USB port on a computer
    2. Press both the Wi-Fi and power buttons at the same time until the status LED lights up steady white
    3. Release both buttons

    The firmware upgrade process should resume indicated by red/green alternate status LED blinking. This usually takes several minutes. After the process is completed, the openSPOT3 will automatically reboot and you can continue using it.

    If the previous procedure does not help, then please try the following:

    • Press and hold the power button for at least 7 seconds
    • Use a different wall charge adapter or different USB port on a computer to charge the unit
    • Try flipping the USB-C connector of the cable upside down
    • Do a factory reset by pressing and holding the Wi-Fi button for at least 30 seconds