After three years in the closet there were two devices. I have used other devices from the company and now I want to use these two and update them. When I try to connect using the UID, I cannot do it and receive a message that the device is not connected to the Internet. It is connected to the Internet and records that my callsign is registered in the DMR and D-Star systems, and is valid in these systems. Also, the device cannot update itself. Also, the device does not connect to any server on the DMR and D-Star network, and it seems to me that without updating their FW there will be problems with this in any case…
I found in the forum how to do such updates manually, the procedure is similar to that used for OpenSpot 1 devices and is not complicated. But at the moment I don’t have a computer at home and I’m trying to solve this problem with you here without a computer.