Thank you Perry.
YOU carried the weight on this eventual outcome.
Greg - W8YST
Thank you Perry.
YOU carried the weight on this eventual outcome.
Greg - W8YST
gregoryyost It's almost there. Still seeing Packet losses of around %5, and connection drops during transmissions, but it is much better than before. Huge difference. Let's hope that this continues to improve in future updates!
Sorry, but we have not changed anything in the firmware related to D-STAR or networking for months. Probably something has changed on your server.
HA2NON That is very strange, as nothing has changed at the server as they are unable to do anything with the network services to improve QOS. All I can tell you is that between the stable V61 and the Beta V63, there is a difference between how the 2 devices are operating, so something has changed in the new firmware.
The OS4 that is running V61 still has a very high packet (>15%) loss and is unintelligible and the OS4 with V63 Beta is usable and has packet losses with less than 10% - typically around 3% to 5% and the audio is intelligible, so something has changed. The only issue with V63 beta is that that the packet losses are not stable and inconsistent. I assure you that It is not with our network that has changed since both devices are on the same network and both devices running different firmware version behave differently.
It would probably help if you could get logs out of each device and compare their contents.
On 5MAR24, SharkRF released firmware V64 Beta where they added a 20ms packet scheduler for the outgoing D-STAR stream in non-crossmode operation to correct the issues we are having with the OS4 and OS4 Pro on this reflector. For those of us that have installed the beta version, preliminary testing has indicated that the problem has been corrected. We will continue to test this on our net today, 6MAR24, and see if the problem persists and I will report back my findings.
On behalf of those of us on DStar, I want to thank SharkRF for addressing and make changes to the firmware to correct this issue.
Thank you.
Perry - WB7NIL