QuadNet has launched 3 new FreeDMR servers. They do not appear in the FreeDMR list in the OpenSpot server menu and it doesn't allow the dns names to entered in the server field that have been provided (and work in Pi Star)
QuadNet_DMR_OH : quadnet.ddns.net
QuadNet_DMR_VA : quadnet2.ddns.net
QuadNet_DMR_OR: quadnet3.ddns.net
Is this something that needs to be added in the OpenSpot menu? the FreeDMR system? or is there another way to manually enter a dns name for the MMDVM server field?

You can enter a server address manually by enabling Advanced mode at the bottom right of the web interface and entering it at the Server address field on the Connectors page, Homebrew/MMDVM settings. Make sure the Homebrew/MMDVM connector is in MMDVM protocol mode for FreeDMR servers.

Do you know an always updated official source of FreeDMR server list in computer parseable format (JSON/XML/CSV etc.)? We'd like to add it as a source for our server list database.

    HA2NON That worked! thank you. I do not know of a source for server listings. First time connecting to a FreeDMR server.

    HA2NON I did find out that QuadNet is not part of FreeDMR Network which is probably why they are not listed in their server list. But it appears their new servers are using the FreeDMR software. They are their own network I was told. So I guess entering the dns name in the advanced mode is the only way to connect via the OpenSpot.