I got my openspot yesterday, charged it to 100% before turning it on. All went well. Today I used it and the battery was down to 90%, thought I would put it on charge. Plugged in USB with the same brick and cable I used yesterday brick is a fast charger, and it blinker red for about 3 seconds, then went off, disconnected it after just letting it charge and the unit did not charge at all. Do I have a bad openspot?
New openspot 4, won't charge
no, its how it works, wont charge untill it drops to a set level
I plan to buy one, how much time to get the new openspot4 battery down to 90%? We should have SharkRF user documentation that provides the set level for the openspot4 to charge. Also, does it use a USB C plug, micro USB or other type of USB plug?
You can find the specifications in the user manual at https://manuals.sharkrf.com/openspot4/en/specifications.html#page-top
donh I have only a few days under my belt using, but I wasn't on for very long and it read 90%. My first boot up I was at 100%, so maybe 15 minutes to get to 90? This to me makes me think that the battery reading is probably not accurate and just an estimation. When I hooked it up after getting down to 90 it said it was 100%, so that is probably accurate and why in my case it would not charge as it wasn't needed yet. I plan on getting it down to about 50% and hook it up again to see if it starts charging. I will post what it does, hopefully no issues and all will be well.
It's a definite upgrade from pistar, much easier to configure.
I got the battery down to 65%, and it is now charging. Thank you for your reply. I am relieved there aren't any issues with it.