DK5BS What's going on with the Openspot1? I no longer get any server lists. Not even a manual entry works? Where is the error? I have several of them. 73 de Bernd DK5BS
G8ZHC Also have the same issues with 2 OpenSpot 1's. Nothing has changed in terms of browser or configuration. As always using Chrome It dropped connection to YSF Sunday evening and thought it was an internet related issue which would resolve itself.
G8ZHC Status : connector connecting whichever mode or configuration is selected. Status: connector connecting Active config profile: 2 (Free DMR) Active connector: DMRplus dongle Modem mode: DMR/Hotspot Modem RX/TX frequency, power: 439.625000/439.625000 100% Connected to: N/A openSPOT info Hardware version: v1.1 (433 UK) Software version: 0141 Bootloader version: 0004 MAC address: FE:28:89:3A:43:28 Device ID: 893A4328 Uptime:
DK5BS Hello and thanks for the answers... The problem occurred with all my Openspots (5) and in all operating modes. But fortunately it is solved. All server lists are back without me having changed anything. Thanks again 73 de Bernd DK5BS
G8ZHC Good Morning. I am also pleased to report also the same the issue with my 2 OpenSpots 1's is now also resolved. Many thanks to Norbert & Bernd for their support in resolving the issue. 73 de Ian G8ZHC