The openSPOTs do not support 5GHz WiFi, just 2.4GHz but you probably know that.
It could be that the connection is deliberately forcing UDP packets to be dropped to prevent the use of VoIP voice and video, if so that may be some form of revenue protection on the part of the service provider. I'm not familiar enough with the arrangements you have there, I don't have any built-in WiFi in my own car but can use my phone's hotspot if I choose to. Of course that is providing a 2.4GHz AP when in use, and it's Android. iPhone's seem to make the hotspot thing a bit less intuitive to use.
If you have a laptop you could try using it to capture the WiFi packets in promiscuous mode using Wireshark, but to do that means filtering what it is receiving and piecing together the clues, it isn't simple even though the latest Wireshark has good capabilities it requires some care in configuration because otherwise you will be swamped in packets for other services that are not relevant to your problem.
Maybe the openSPOT's log output can help, you may see a difference between the working and not working connection methods.