I compiled and ran sharkrf ip server on my home network
When trying to connect to openspot4 as sharkrf ip connector client, regardless of what password I set in openspot and in the config.json file on the server, I receive an error message about login.
FW in openspot4 latest
Is there an option to completely disable authorization?
from the server side:
srf-ip-conn-srv: packet: client 26xxxxx 192.168.x.xxx:52180: new login
srf-ip-conn-srv: packet: client 26xxxxx 192.168.x.xxx:52180: auth fail, adding it's ip to the ignore list for 5 seconds
srf-ip-conn-srv: client: removing ip 192.168.x.xxx from ignore list
srf-ip-conn-srv: packet: client 26xxxxx 192.168.x.xxx:52436: new login
from openspot4 website:
1:29:07 srfipconn-client: sending auth
21:29:07 srfipconn-client: got nak
21:29:07 srfipconn-client: init reconnect
21:29:07 net-conn: connect retry in 970 ms
21:44:25 srfipconn-client: connecting to 192.168.x.xxx:65100
21:44:25 srfipconn-client: sending auth
21:44:25 srfipconn-client: got nak
21:44:25 srfipconn-client: init reconnect
21:44:25 net-conn: connect retry in 4970 ms
21:44:30 srfipconn-client: connecting to 192.168.x.xxx:65100
21:44:30 pwr: batt 41% est. 12h13m 3744mv usb 0ma cpu 29.9°C chg 0ma
21:44:30 srfipconn-client: sending auth
21:44:30 srfipconn-client: got nak
21:44:30 srfipconn-client: init reconnect
21:44:30 net-conn: connect retry in 4970 ms