Another question on this subject that may help me understand. When I use quick setup and pick CF4FM >YSFReflector > then XLX384 (77384) from the server it does not connect at all. I get that random YSF 99081. However, if I just pick a random serve off this list (I have run through about 12) such as XLX381 (45681) the correct connection status of 45681 is listed on the status page. However, I cannot get 77384 to list as connected even though it is on the same server list as the random one, I picked.
That is the thing I cannot wrap my head around is why does YSF77384 get changed and none of the others I tried are changed to a random YSF address?
This XLX384 and YSF77384 are used every day so I know they are good connections.
Thank you for you time.