Like i said in your identical post, go learn how to use it instead of wasting time being lazy posting everywhere to be nursed,
User manual is 99.9% detailed enough for users, as you say your a NEW HAM so you gotta lot to learn, go look through the OP4 manual and 991 manual again and find where your missing something, too many folk want to be spoon fed these days and not learn how their stuff works and use properly, sorry aint got a 991 so cant suggest anything. stuff like this is not plug and play you gotta learn how to set it up and use right, and by doing it yourself will give you better satisfaction than being led by others.
Next it will be how do you cross-mode how you do this how you do that, read the manual thats how, like everyone else
people who post complaints like, manual isn't detailed enough, when they have no clue what they are doing get my back up,