I've had my OpenSpot4 for a little over a year and having trouble with random transmission dropouts or distortion when talking on DMR. Initially I get good signal reports but often times after a QSO lasting more than 45 seconds, I'm told my transmission is either garbled or there's dropouts. My radio is an AnyTone 878 and our Internet service is 500mbps fiber optic. The OpenSpot is running V70 and only used for DMR. I've run AutoCal multiple times and my BER is 0.01-0.05%. I've experimented with Dejitter Queue lengths anywhere from 10-1000msec. I've changed TX/RX frequencies multiple times. The problem still persists. OpenSpot battery voltage is always in the 75-95% range when the problem occurs. The OpenSpot is around 20 feet from my Router/Modem and no more than 50 feet from my radio. I've tried all 4 TX power levels on my 878 radio as well.
I also have a simple homebrew MMDVM hat hotspot (Not PiStar Based) that works with BlueDV on my Windows 11 PC. I use it with the OpenSpot powered down. I always get awesome signal reports when using it talking to the same DMR operators! Both hotspots use the same frequency and both connect to Brandmeister Server 3102. Speed tests on my Wi-Fi network are in the 350mbps range both download and upload, latency is about 12msec and jitter is anywhere from 0-10 msec. Anyone have a similar issue or suggestions?