Here are the log entries following a Quick Setup:
00:30:05 homebrew: pong received
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:11 cfgarea: no need to prg
00:30:11 homebrew: task terminating
00:30:11 homebrew: init (mmdvm proto: 0 mode: dmr)
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:11 cfgarea: no need to prg
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:11 cfgarea: no need to prg
00:30:11 net-conn: active deinit
00:30:11 homebrew: using main server pass: id: 00000C1E
00:30:11 homebrew: connecting to
00:30:11 homebrew: task terminating
00:30:11 homebrew: init (mmdvm proto: 0 mode: dmr)
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:11 cfgarea: no need to prg
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:11 cfgarea: no need to prg
00:30:11 homebrew: using main server pass: id: 00000C1E
00:30:11 homebrew: connecting to
00:30:11 homebrew: sending login
00:30:11 homebrew: sending auth
00:30:11 modem-tx: end
00:30:11 homebrew: auth ok
00:30:11 homebrew: sending config
00:30:11 homebrew: connected to (
00:30:11 spk: start
00:30:11 homebrew: starting quick call dst: 4000 src: 1117408 type: 1 tc: 0
00:30:11 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:12 homebrew: sending interrupt
00:30:12 homebrew: sending interrupt
00:30:12 spk: remote play: OSCTBMSV
00:30:12 csd: dmr id 4000 query took 360ms
00:30:12 spk-r: got first packet
00:30:12 csd: dmr id 1117408 query took 170ms
00:30:12 homebrew: starting quick call dst: 91 src: 1117408 type: 1 tc: 0
00:30:12 cfgarea: storing profile #0
00:30:12 homebrew: sending interrupt
00:30:12 homebrew: sending interrupt
00:30:13 csd: dmr id 91 query took 60ms
00:30:13 modem-tx: start
00:30:14 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 3195185 id: 10906bfd0b40fe8d
00:30:14 csd: dmr id 3195185 query took 40ms
00:30:15 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 0.7s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:16 dmrct: [0] prv voice call started, dst: 1117408 src: 4000 id: d20920d8e59d53ac
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 spk: sending term
00:30:16 spk: remote disc
00:30:16 homebrew: pong received
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000
00:30:16 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 0.9s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:16 homebrew: ignoring call from 4000 ended
00:30:17 modem-djq: emptied, closing
00:30:17 modem-tx: end
00:30:19 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 5050802 id: 3e01ed048b290b81
00:30:19 csd: dmr id 5050802 query took 300ms
00:30:20 modem-tx: start
00:30:20 dmrct-emb: [0] decoded talker alias: VK3VCE Gerald
00:30:21 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:21 homebrew: pong received
00:30:21 pwr: batt 100% 4107mv usb 500ma cpu 43.2°C chg 0ma
00:30:23 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 4.6s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:24 modem-djq: emptied, closing
00:30:25 modem-tx: end
00:30:25 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 5051695 id: 8f97964888c85359
00:30:25 csd: dmr id 5051695 query took 50ms
00:30:26 modem-tx: start
00:30:26 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 0.1s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:27 modem-djq: emptied, closing
00:30:27 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:27 homebrew: pong received
00:30:27 modem-tx: end
00:30:32 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:32 homebrew: pong received
00:30:37 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:37 homebrew: pong received
00:30:42 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 4610924 id: 8920e0022841ae97
00:30:42 csd: dmr id 4610924 query took 50ms
00:30:42 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:42 homebrew: pong received
00:30:43 modem-tx: start
00:30:43 dmrct-emb: [0] decoded talker alias: A05
00:30:43 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 1.2s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:44 modem-djq: emptied, closing
00:30:44 modem-tx: end
00:30:47 net-chk: ok (23 ms)
00:30:47 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:47 homebrew: pong received
00:30:52 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:52 homebrew: pong received
00:30:53 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 3208546 id: 8ee305f30a5a6c4c
00:30:53 ssys-socket: connect timeout
00:30:53 httpcln: conn err
00:30:53 csd: can't get 3208546 from db
00:30:53 csd: dmr id 3208546 query took 510ms
00:30:53 dmrct: [0] call ended, dur 0.5s ber 0.0% loss 0.0% rssi 0
00:30:54 modem-tx: start
00:30:54 modem-djq: emptied, closing
00:30:54 modem-tx: end
00:30:56 dmrct: [0] grp voice call started, dst: 91 src: 3195424 id: 043910cfce8168c9
00:30:56 csd: dmr id 3195424 query took 50ms
00:30:57 modem-tx: start
00:30:57 homebrew: ping sent
00:30:58 homebrew: pong received
00:31:03 homebrew: ping sent
00:31:03 homebrew: pong received