I would like to be able to save a profile where I do not connect to any reflector or gateway when I use APRS from my ID51. Is this possible? When I use a DSTAR modem am I forced to add a Reflector or Gateway?
I unlinked from the Reflector and the modem became a NULL modem, I set the ID51 to transmit the APRS position to transmit every 5 minutes and I have to set the modem to to a NULL modem in order not the transmit to a reflector too.
I am relatively new to this but I noticed that when I was connected to a reflector the APRS was transmitting to the reflector. (not good).
Really love your product. The help file for the APRS shows a checkbox for DStar Location Forwarding but it is not there. https://manuals.sharkrf.com/openspot4/en/aprs-connector.html
Thank you.
Mike (W1SS)