A few months ago, I bought a used openSPOT2. It worked great - no issues. Now its behavior is different during start up. It connects to my router (gets an IP address) but then alternates green and yellow LED pulsing and it does not transmit any voice messages. I haven't knowingly changed anything in the openSPOT2 and my LAN configuration has not changed.
The manual says "Modem trying to transmit, but an active BCLO is preventing it". Later in the Manual it says "If the BCLO level (BCLO - Busy Channel Lock Out) setting is not 0, then the openSPOT2's modem will only start a transmission if it's RSSI meter does not measure a signal strength above the specified BCLO value in dBm."
I saw no mention of a solution or a work-around in the manual. I found nothing in the USB terminal menu that mentions or hints at a solution. Also, the openSPOT2 doesn't serve up its web page. An internet search offered no help.
I'm a newbie in this digital radio IP hotspot game and I know enough to know that I have a lot to learn. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. TIA.
Gary N9ST
HW VER: 1.0