tfiorda Using OPS4 and entering DStar information in Quick connect, then changing the modem for C4FM cross connect on a profile (1) the Gateway is saved correctly. After setting up another profile (2) for a different DStar gateway cross connect, that is also saved correctly. However, when switching profiles to the first one (profile 1), the connectors page (D-STAR/REF/XRF (DPlus/DExtra)) does not match the original Gateway info saved for profile 1, it shows the latest saved info for profile 2 Gateway. Am I doing something wrong when programming the Gateway DStar profile? I shows correctly for DStar Reflector profiles. Tony...
tfiorda OKay. Here's the scenario. Created Profile 7 as DStar to Gateway K5PRK/B. , Then changed to and created profile 8 as DStar to Gateway W5FC/B. ,, After saving Profile 8 and returning to Profile 7, this is the connector screen. When I define a Profiles connector with a a reflector. All is okay. I believe this is pointing to the incorrect gateway. Hopefully this explains my issue. Tony...
HA2NON Make sure you've changed to profile #8 before changing the gateway to W5FC, otherwise all settings will be saved to the currently active profile (#7).
tfiorda Okay, but that does not help fix my problem. Since you're not making any other suggestions to try and help me, I'll try a total reset and rebuild of the unit. I'll post my result later.
tfiorda I did a Factory Reset. Configured YSF, DMR, DStar Reflectors and the Proiles all saved fine. Configured 2 DStar Gateways after switching to those profiles (#9, #10) and the original problem is still present. I seems to only be in affect when I configure a DStar Gateway. I'm wondering if it might be pointer problem pulling data from the wrong location. When connected to the Gateway (Repeater), I do see my callsign come through in the DSTARUSERS.ORG Last Heard page with the proper Gateway (Repeater) listed. Unless you have something other for me to try, I'll let this drop. Thanks for you assistance. Tony...