SeanBaxter I managed to change the Main logo (Settings) to a small image that displayed my call. I see it only saves this change to the current Profile. Something more useful would be a simple text option to display the current Profile number with the associated text description that is in the Profile Names within settings. So, on the LCD you would see the network and TG connoted along with the profile description being used. Perhaps I was using a poor image editor but getting the correct size and resolution for the M1KE logo was difficult.
HA2NON You can see the active profile name when you turn on rhe device. Save the current main logo to your computer (right click on the image, then select the save menu item), and edit that saved image, so then you'll know the required image size.
SeanBaxter What you say is true. However, if the M1KE has been on for some time you can forget what profile is active. Change the TG or Connector and it updates the current profile. Change out from that profile then back to it you end up on a TG that is not part of the original profile description. An easy thing to forget. On a PC I tried your edit image suggestion with 2 different image editors with no joy. The only way I got my call as an image was to create a new image then resize. Not worth the effort. I do enjoy using the M1KE. Sean - K3XT
HA2NON You can see the currently active profile if you go to the Settings -> Config profiles menu. The active profile is marked with >>
HA2NON We've added an "Always show profile info" setting to the Settings page, Display settings section. If enabled, the currently active profile name is displayed on the main screen. We've also added the option to turn off displaying the main logo. There settings are now available in (currently beta) firmware v18.