sv1kyk Hello I just bought m1ke and I would like to ask you if I can talk private with an openspot4 I tried it but nothing. I tried srfip client but nothing. Thanks
HA2NON Active the SharkRF IP server connector on the M1KE. Use the Quick Setup on the OS4 to connect it to the M1KE.
sv1kyk HA2NON When i use the Quick Setup on the OS4 to connect to M1KE do i choose SharkRF client? And if so then i hit the M1kes user id? Why cant i from M1ke connect to OS4? Thanks
HA2NON If the M1KE is the server then you have to activate the client on the openSPOT4. You can also make the openSPOT4 a server and the M1KE a client, however, the openSPOT4's built-in server only supports one client connection at a time.
sv1kyk HA2NON ok what's the easiest way to talk private from M1ke to OS4? Can I also talk private to an OS1? Thanks
HA2NON Yes, as the OS1 also supports the SharkRF IP Connector Protocol. The easiest way is to set up the M1KE as the server and others as clients.
sv1kyk HA2NON Thank you very much!! HA2NON If I setup M1ke as a server I should give the others m1kes UID Correct?
HA2NON You need the server's (the M1KE's) IP address in your client configuration. The server dropdown list is empty by default, but you can add custom servers to the list if you want.
sv1kyk HA2NON How can I add custom servers? I just want to talk private to an openspot. But this whole thing is complicated.
HA2NON Note that you don't need to save custom servers to connect devices at all. Activate the SharkRF IP Connector Server on the M1KE Activate the SharkRF IP Connector Client on the OS4 and set the Server address at the connector's settings to the IP address or host of the M1KE That's it.
sv1kyk HA2NON And if M1ke and OS4 are in different networks? M1ke will take an ip from my local wifi network. Os4 is in a different city.
Tyrbiter You need to arrange for router port forwarding where the OS4 is so that the M1KE can see it from the WAN side of the network the OS4 is connected to. I don't know the details, so I can't provide a recipe for your needs. The only other thing I can think of is to have a VPN set up so that the 2 networks effectively become one network.
HA2NON Yes, you'll need to set up port forwarding on the server side if you want to reach the server outside its network. Open the router's web interface and forward UDP port 65100 to the server's (the M1KE's) local IP address.