I purchased an open spot 4 for $322.00 my bank was charged $350.00 plus an additional charge of$10.53 the next day. I will be returning the open spot. Buyer beware.

    Why buyer beware, your the only one that seems to have had a problem, if there is a problem and you never took into account local taxes and shipping, out of the hundreds sold.

      taxes and shipping were included in original price. additional charges are not on invoice.


      It is soo darned adorable to read how quickly you rush in to give HA2NON a little smooch on his bottom!

        Piss Off You Plank, Seems like you just hang around on here just to comment on any reply i make, get a life, you must be really lonely, Twat


          You sound a little upset. Does this mean that we're not friends anymore?

          Number6 Our shop charged you 322 Euros (not US Dollars), as we sell our products in Euros. 322 EUR is around 350 USD. Probably your bank or card company added conversion fees. Check the bank transaction details to find out more information about this.

          5 months later

          $354 for me, but I already knew that as I took the time to do the conversion from euros to dollars before placing the order. I guess they don't teach about currency in primary school or secondary school or you just don't know the difference. hahaha lol. You missed out on a fine piece of kit.

          a month later

          Number6 Around $360 to $370 is about right @ 322 EU. You were not ripped off. HA2NON is correct. Before you buy anything overseas, it is always best to go online and check to see what the current rate is and what your bank charges for the conversion. BofA does not charge any conversion cost, at least not for me.

          Perry - WB7NIL

          Yes, it is very important to do the currency conversion prior to committing your order.
          I ordered my OpenSpot 4 pro on the very last day of August of this last year. Shark RF was offering the OPS 4 pro on sale that month. I placed my order 3pm Eastern time that day thinking that I would get the sale price. Nope. There is a time difference between Estonia and here. Shark RF had already closed business for the day. September 1st was full price again. Yes, I was bummed that it was going to cost me about $50 dollars more, but the sting went away after I received it and was impressed in how well it worked for me. I guess you win some, you lose some...


          Greg - W8YST

          Hi, I have recently purchased the open spot 4 pro and having lots of problems with packet loss on a lot of the REF reflectors and it appears that I am not the only one. I purchased the open spot4pro cost me $520 Australian to use on D-Star and now I can't use it as too much packet loss.
          is they're going to be a fix for this if not, I will have to return it.
          Also I have sent an email to Shark RF.
          I hope I can get a reply please.
          Thanks, Neil

          I feel your pain. I too am having problems with packet loss via the OpenSpot 4 Pro. I too remain hopeful that something can be done by someone at Shark RF to address the issue(s). As others have indicated, the severe packet loss issues are not prevalent with the OpenSpot 1,2 or three devices. Only the latest offerings appear to be impacted.
          As others have said, you can use the Shark RF app to get your OpenSpot 4 to work as it was intended to by design. I tested this tonight (REF 0024A) and found it work very well. Of course, I did not purchase this product as a companion to our phones, tablets and such but to utilize with my favorite radio of choice.
          Please try out the app from Shark RF to see if you notice an improvement in your experience.

          Greg - W8YST

          Please note that dropouts can happen when there's an issue/interference with:

          • The server
          • The server's internet connection (most amateur radio servers are running on unstable home internet connections not suitable for international links)
          • The link between the server and your Wi-Fi router, or your internet connection
          • Your Wi-Fi router
          • The Wi-Fi link between your openSPOT and your Wi-Fi router

          These issues cause dropped packets, which are indicated on the Dejitter queue graph on the openSPOT's Status page as "invalid seqnum errors". They may cause dropouts in the voice transmissions.

          What you can do to avoid dropouts are: